Monday, November 13, 2006

The Red Queen Theory

Look around you. Try to think of the last time you defied the law… or broke a rule… or rebelled against someone who was above you in this world’s hierarchy. Then think back further… about all the times you did it… the rush of adrenalin, the heady feeling of having achieved something different or difficult. Are you proud? This peak you have conquered, this battle you have won… your name should go down in history right?

I mean, that time when you got wasted on your 18th birthday… after all, drinking under 21 truly is against the law isn’t it?

And sneaking home after curfew was a thrill wasn’t it? And that was a rule your dad enforced with a fist of iron!

Oh and how could we forget, when you spoke back to your boss politely and he didn’t even realize you’d made him look like a fool! Insurrection! Rebellion! Whoooooo!

Do you feel shame?

Is that the best you could do?

Couldn’t you challenge an authority higher than that?

Is it so inconceivable to find a challenge greater than getting drunk underage?

Could you not be bolder?

Or are your dreams that small??? Why are they so limited?

Now look around you again. Look at the laws in place. In the US, there are laws against doing anything out of the ordinary. The Patriot Act and such, allow the government to watch and hear you, anywhere and everywhere. There are laws that allow them to stop you from doing anything they don’t consider ‘normal’ and ‘good’ and then there are laws that give them a legal shield and even further laws that make sure none of these laws can be changed without lengthy processes involving people who aren’t even affected by these useless, incomprehensible restrictions. Who in the Congress would care if graffiti was made legal or not?

Chaos, Anarchy and Instability in themselves are not good for society. However, because of laws like these all around us, the world has become too ‘prim and proper’. Society is now tied down and shackled with legalities, paperwork, documentation and the like.

All of these turn a simple process like starting your own store, or forming your own organization into a long, drawn out and unbearably slow one.

As a result, peoples ambitions have fallen down to today’s paltry levels.

And so we are headed for Stagnation.

In the old days, there was more chaos, more petty crime, less ‘policing’, but there were also more changes and better adaptation.

Breakers and reefs on a beach can slow down the waves, thus rendering the waves powerless and useless. So these ‘protected’ beaches stay the same… ever-unchanging.

On the other hand, open beaches, exposed to the sea’s power and to rough waves, provide a different view every day and thus they don’t stagnate. True, there is more risk to swimmers, but there have to be other ways of keeping people safe that doesn’t involve locking them into boxes and restricting them to only one unchanging scene.

In the days past, there were tales and truths of Revolutions and Coups… in every field: in the Arts, in Literature, in Science, in Industries, in Politics, in Religion, in Philosophy… everything!!

But now, every act, every organization, every person, hides behind official documents. Not a scrap of Passion is left. Everyone is afraid of being persecuted for the most minor transgressions.

It is like a game of chess where each one of your pieces protects another piece and everything is perfectly balanced and set so that any attack can be repelled. However, you then cannot afford to move even a finger for fear that the whole balance will be broken and the army will be destroyed.

It is the inherent danger with achieving static balance (stagnation). Although it appears more stable and reliable, it also means that if any one factor is disturbed, the system can’t compensate adequately. As a result, everything collapses and getting back to a balance again becomes next to impossible.

Dynamic balance on the other hand can compensate almost infinitely with the only limitation being time. And given enough time to react, the system will be stable at all times. And it will not stagnate as dynamic balance is achieved by constant change occurring to compensate for other changes.

So said the Red Queen to Alice: To stay in the same place you have to run as fast as you can!

That is what we should aim for… Dynamic Balance.

“May the tsunami of change decimate the barriers and reefs.

May the sea be allowed to lash and writhe again.

For it is only then, that it is truly alive.”

~ sayings of the Hellspawn

Monday, November 06, 2006

Lucifer - Fallen Angel of Light and Knowledge

The Adversary.
The Challenger.

The One who Questioned.

Lucifer is hardly a fitting symbol for evil and darkness... but then it's amazing what a good propaganda-machine can do... isn’t it?

Lucifer defied God, challenged his wisdom and was thus cast out... and we worship god simply because of the blind faith that he created us.. with not a care if he is a god worth worshiping or just another ego-centric inventor.

imagine if the man who decided to improve upon the stone wheel by using wood or metal and covering it with a layer of air-inflated rubber tubing (for the record, it was Mr. Dunlop who did that) was banished and made an outcast, for daring to attempt to improve on the design of the original... amazing where we would have ended up eh? Probably might have designed a wheelbarrow that actually worked by now!

But it fortunately turned out differently.

We still respect (but have forgotten the name of) the original inventor... but we worship the one who dared to challenge and change the original. But like hypocritical idiots, we continue to worship an egomanic god and have all but forgotten the one who attempted to draft a better design... a human with a lust for knowledge. and thus we remain... ignorant fools... blissful in our own ignorance, decay and feces.

Obviously, like any good inventor, Lucifer didn’t give up and sulk when his design was rejected. Instead, he made prototypes, few of whom were ever popular... Galileo was stoned to death, Copernicus was also shunned, and Voltaire was incarcerated regularly... and the list goes on....

When Lucifer lured Adam and Eve with the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge he was not really giving them knowledge. The act of eating the 'Forbidden Fruit' wasn't something that made Adam and Eve 'enlightened' in an instant. The fruit itself was just that... a fruit... a nice, juicy, ripe fruit. What it WAS, however, was a symbol. The act of eating something forbidden was symbolic of the act of reaching beyond blind, dog-like obedience and very literally tasting something that you hadn’t tasted before... the taste of the fruit was the only 'knowledge' the fruit contained. On obtaining that knowledge, Adam and Eve would want to know what the other fruits, actions and experiences that had been denied to them would 'taste' like... which is the start of a lifetime of learning.. gaining knowledge.. in small bits and pieces like the taste of another fruit, making love, bearing and raising children, doing handstands, building structures, and the like... all of which adds up to a life well-lived.

The main reason it is not possible for Adam and Eve to have gained all the knowledge in a flash is simply because... they wouldn’t get it. The Human mind has been designed in such a way that we can take in only so much information at any point in time. If a lifetime's worth information seeped into you in a matter of seconds, you brain would simply skim over it and maybe a millionth of it would actually be available on recall. Imagine watching a movie that lasts 60 years from start to finish... and then a similar 'movie' that isn’t made up of visuals but is comprised of physical sensations, and one for smell, one for taste, one for all the thoughts and emotions... that’s like watching a movie non-stop for (5 x 60 =) 300 years. and mind you, I'm combining sound and visuals into the first film.
Now imagine watching a 300 year long movie in 5 seconds (it should be instantaneous but I’m making leeway for exaggerations over time...) It would be nothing more than a series of blurs and a sleeting sensation of someone brushing over you while you would get a very very mixed taste/smell and hear a burst of static. If your mind did actually store it, your head would be the size of a porta-potty and I assume you might have a little bit of trouble while moving around.

Our brains are really not designed like that... which is why we need to respect the way they were designed and use them to learn everything... one experience at a time. Just because Lucifer is the archangel of light and knowledge doesn’t mean he knows everything.... he is, just like the rest of us, still discovering and inventing and it is a beautiful process of learning. I do not hate the original inventor. It was an efficient design... but when Lucifer designed the 'new and improved' version, God was a real low-life for shunning him.

"So I eat the fruit, bask in the light, and savour every experience..
To live a life well-lived...
To feed the darkness in my soul...
And I shall live on... as a tribute to knowledge itself... to continue this eternal process of discovery."

~ sayings of the Hellspawn

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