Wednesday, November 24, 2004

NEWS... this has ben removed from many papers in the US... but is still verifiable

for once i shall not post an opinion-based discussion.... this is actual news..

well election day is 20 days past....

has everyone heard about the CIA purges?

well... in case you havent... bush had told the CIA to remove everyone who wasnt 'loyal' to him from their ranks.

heres an article:
""WASHINGTON -- The White House has ordered the new CIA director, Porter Goss, to purge the agency of officers believed to have been disloyal to President George W. Bush or of leaking damaging information to the media about the conduct of the Iraq war and the hunt for Osama bin Laden, according to knowledgeable sources. "The agency is being purged on instructions from the White House," said a former senior CIA official who maintains close ties to both the agency and to the White House. "Goss was given instructions ... to get rid of those soft leakers and liberal Democrats. The CIA is looked on by the White House as a hotbed of liberals and people who have been obstructing the president's agenda.""

basically... it means that they kick out anyone who dares to reveal bush's BS and fairytales to the world.... also.. now he has a bunch of bush fanatics supporting his every move and fabricating all the damned evidence that he wants....
some highly placed people in the cia have already "resigned" *HINT HINT*

unfortunatley this is something which may set off a trend and it is possible that liberals may find it hard to find jobs in ANY govenment firm... especially FINANCE related...
now the great american government is protected by constitution and fanatics... and it can cook up all sorts of figures and bandy accusations at every country until the world is a charred ball of dead people.

scared yet? you should be.

this is insanity on the verge of dictatorship.... and he has already admitted that he thinks dictatorship is a good way to run a country.... watch "farenheit 9/11" if you havent heard the ape say it from his own mouth.

i am... appalled.. simply appalled at the hypocrisy we see so blatantly.... that clown needs to be put in his place.... Saddam basically 'silenced' people who would have (Quote from the Washington article above) "leaked damaging information to the media about the conduct of the Iraq" military and armaments.... and people who werent "loyal" to him..... BUSH dethrones him and then does the SAME thing!!!!... except here.. instead of killing them he has so far just fired them.... but if he asks.. the cia CAN help him out with many "accidental deaths"....

Bush is a Saddam equivalent in america... and instead of a desert wasteland.. he controls a superpower...

i wouldnt sleep so easy if i were you. i have a feeling we are going to see many "resignations" and "accidental deaths" in the near future.

Dasvedanya Amerika.

[Now Playing: "Sleepless" - Cradle of Filth]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shit.. forgot your bday..
(extremely belated)HAPPY BDAY
will make it up 2 u.

ur forgetful buddy,

10:53 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

It's not surprising really. I knew it was coming as soon as I heard Goss was going to replace George Tenet as CIA director a few months ago. What IS surprising, is that for a clandestine intelligence agency (hey, that abbreviates to CIA too - the conspiracy theorist in me talking), they weren't able to keep the story under wraps.

2:16 PM  
Blogger Hellspawn~ The Ωmen said...

According to BBC correspondent Justin Webb: "Nobody spends more time on his knees than George W. Bush. The Bush administration hums to the sound of prayer. Prayer meetings take place day and night. It's not uncommon to see White House functionaries hurrying down corridors carrying Bibles."

BWAHAHAHAHAHAH.... this was from a website promoting his new book calld "FAITH in the White House".. they said his 'faith' was inspiring.
they are actually PROMOTING that kind of behaviour in a PRESIDENT!!!??!!? i know the mindless public is stupid enough to buy it too... but this goes too far...

"i am your great president... and instead of doing work... i sit and pray all day.. unless im playing golf... oh shit! another building gone? TO THE PRAYER ROOM!"
you can see the leadership here cant you?

"spends more time on his knees than..."... i mean.. WHAT THE HELL? this guy is scared shitless about his position and his life... how is that supposed to be "Inspiring"???
you get inspired by hearing about achievements/ bravery/ profit/ endurance.... not by weakness and helplessness.
this is rediculous... and now i hate the average zombie public more than ever... cuz they are the same generations that watch "Action heroes" to get inspired... the same people who cheer for daredevil n spidey swingin across the streets and the terminator with a gattling cannon....
Action heroes dammit... the word there is ACTION.... how many of these heroic movies show ANY of the heroes praying????? what rubbish....
and now they will all nod their heads wisely when hey read about this action devoid president... one who follows the "command of god"...
im telling you... mark my words.... soon he will say that he saw a vision from god that he had to launch a war on xyz country.... and i am NOT exaggerating.... he's fully capable of pulling off a stunt like that with some "persuasion" from his LOYAL CIA now....

someone kill him dammit.... delinquent ape.

he should be strapped to an electric chair and zapped to pluto..... or to his beloved heaven.

5:28 PM  

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