Monday, November 13, 2006

The Red Queen Theory

Look around you. Try to think of the last time you defied the law… or broke a rule… or rebelled against someone who was above you in this world’s hierarchy. Then think back further… about all the times you did it… the rush of adrenalin, the heady feeling of having achieved something different or difficult. Are you proud? This peak you have conquered, this battle you have won… your name should go down in history right?

I mean, that time when you got wasted on your 18th birthday… after all, drinking under 21 truly is against the law isn’t it?

And sneaking home after curfew was a thrill wasn’t it? And that was a rule your dad enforced with a fist of iron!

Oh and how could we forget, when you spoke back to your boss politely and he didn’t even realize you’d made him look like a fool! Insurrection! Rebellion! Whoooooo!

Do you feel shame?

Is that the best you could do?

Couldn’t you challenge an authority higher than that?

Is it so inconceivable to find a challenge greater than getting drunk underage?

Could you not be bolder?

Or are your dreams that small??? Why are they so limited?

Now look around you again. Look at the laws in place. In the US, there are laws against doing anything out of the ordinary. The Patriot Act and such, allow the government to watch and hear you, anywhere and everywhere. There are laws that allow them to stop you from doing anything they don’t consider ‘normal’ and ‘good’ and then there are laws that give them a legal shield and even further laws that make sure none of these laws can be changed without lengthy processes involving people who aren’t even affected by these useless, incomprehensible restrictions. Who in the Congress would care if graffiti was made legal or not?

Chaos, Anarchy and Instability in themselves are not good for society. However, because of laws like these all around us, the world has become too ‘prim and proper’. Society is now tied down and shackled with legalities, paperwork, documentation and the like.

All of these turn a simple process like starting your own store, or forming your own organization into a long, drawn out and unbearably slow one.

As a result, peoples ambitions have fallen down to today’s paltry levels.

And so we are headed for Stagnation.

In the old days, there was more chaos, more petty crime, less ‘policing’, but there were also more changes and better adaptation.

Breakers and reefs on a beach can slow down the waves, thus rendering the waves powerless and useless. So these ‘protected’ beaches stay the same… ever-unchanging.

On the other hand, open beaches, exposed to the sea’s power and to rough waves, provide a different view every day and thus they don’t stagnate. True, there is more risk to swimmers, but there have to be other ways of keeping people safe that doesn’t involve locking them into boxes and restricting them to only one unchanging scene.

In the days past, there were tales and truths of Revolutions and Coups… in every field: in the Arts, in Literature, in Science, in Industries, in Politics, in Religion, in Philosophy… everything!!

But now, every act, every organization, every person, hides behind official documents. Not a scrap of Passion is left. Everyone is afraid of being persecuted for the most minor transgressions.

It is like a game of chess where each one of your pieces protects another piece and everything is perfectly balanced and set so that any attack can be repelled. However, you then cannot afford to move even a finger for fear that the whole balance will be broken and the army will be destroyed.

It is the inherent danger with achieving static balance (stagnation). Although it appears more stable and reliable, it also means that if any one factor is disturbed, the system can’t compensate adequately. As a result, everything collapses and getting back to a balance again becomes next to impossible.

Dynamic balance on the other hand can compensate almost infinitely with the only limitation being time. And given enough time to react, the system will be stable at all times. And it will not stagnate as dynamic balance is achieved by constant change occurring to compensate for other changes.

So said the Red Queen to Alice: To stay in the same place you have to run as fast as you can!

That is what we should aim for… Dynamic Balance.

“May the tsunami of change decimate the barriers and reefs.

May the sea be allowed to lash and writhe again.

For it is only then, that it is truly alive.”

~ sayings of the Hellspawn

Monday, November 06, 2006

Lucifer - Fallen Angel of Light and Knowledge

The Adversary.
The Challenger.

The One who Questioned.

Lucifer is hardly a fitting symbol for evil and darkness... but then it's amazing what a good propaganda-machine can do... isn’t it?

Lucifer defied God, challenged his wisdom and was thus cast out... and we worship god simply because of the blind faith that he created us.. with not a care if he is a god worth worshiping or just another ego-centric inventor.

imagine if the man who decided to improve upon the stone wheel by using wood or metal and covering it with a layer of air-inflated rubber tubing (for the record, it was Mr. Dunlop who did that) was banished and made an outcast, for daring to attempt to improve on the design of the original... amazing where we would have ended up eh? Probably might have designed a wheelbarrow that actually worked by now!

But it fortunately turned out differently.

We still respect (but have forgotten the name of) the original inventor... but we worship the one who dared to challenge and change the original. But like hypocritical idiots, we continue to worship an egomanic god and have all but forgotten the one who attempted to draft a better design... a human with a lust for knowledge. and thus we remain... ignorant fools... blissful in our own ignorance, decay and feces.

Obviously, like any good inventor, Lucifer didn’t give up and sulk when his design was rejected. Instead, he made prototypes, few of whom were ever popular... Galileo was stoned to death, Copernicus was also shunned, and Voltaire was incarcerated regularly... and the list goes on....

When Lucifer lured Adam and Eve with the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge he was not really giving them knowledge. The act of eating the 'Forbidden Fruit' wasn't something that made Adam and Eve 'enlightened' in an instant. The fruit itself was just that... a fruit... a nice, juicy, ripe fruit. What it WAS, however, was a symbol. The act of eating something forbidden was symbolic of the act of reaching beyond blind, dog-like obedience and very literally tasting something that you hadn’t tasted before... the taste of the fruit was the only 'knowledge' the fruit contained. On obtaining that knowledge, Adam and Eve would want to know what the other fruits, actions and experiences that had been denied to them would 'taste' like... which is the start of a lifetime of learning.. gaining knowledge.. in small bits and pieces like the taste of another fruit, making love, bearing and raising children, doing handstands, building structures, and the like... all of which adds up to a life well-lived.

The main reason it is not possible for Adam and Eve to have gained all the knowledge in a flash is simply because... they wouldn’t get it. The Human mind has been designed in such a way that we can take in only so much information at any point in time. If a lifetime's worth information seeped into you in a matter of seconds, you brain would simply skim over it and maybe a millionth of it would actually be available on recall. Imagine watching a movie that lasts 60 years from start to finish... and then a similar 'movie' that isn’t made up of visuals but is comprised of physical sensations, and one for smell, one for taste, one for all the thoughts and emotions... that’s like watching a movie non-stop for (5 x 60 =) 300 years. and mind you, I'm combining sound and visuals into the first film.
Now imagine watching a 300 year long movie in 5 seconds (it should be instantaneous but I’m making leeway for exaggerations over time...) It would be nothing more than a series of blurs and a sleeting sensation of someone brushing over you while you would get a very very mixed taste/smell and hear a burst of static. If your mind did actually store it, your head would be the size of a porta-potty and I assume you might have a little bit of trouble while moving around.

Our brains are really not designed like that... which is why we need to respect the way they were designed and use them to learn everything... one experience at a time. Just because Lucifer is the archangel of light and knowledge doesn’t mean he knows everything.... he is, just like the rest of us, still discovering and inventing and it is a beautiful process of learning. I do not hate the original inventor. It was an efficient design... but when Lucifer designed the 'new and improved' version, God was a real low-life for shunning him.

"So I eat the fruit, bask in the light, and savour every experience..
To live a life well-lived...
To feed the darkness in my soul...
And I shall live on... as a tribute to knowledge itself... to continue this eternal process of discovery."

~ sayings of the Hellspawn

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Ogre From the Mysterious Enchanted Necropolis = O.M.E.N.

Abhorrent, Bloodthirsty, Hitchhiker-Yoking, Undertaker-Devouring, Abomination of Yuckiness = A.B.H.Y.U.D.A.Y

why how sweet of you!

~The Om3n (is amused)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Birth of Destiny

Today was the fateful day when Destiny got tired of being ignored, mocked and forgotten... and created something to remind the world constantly of it's presence.

Today was the day the Old Ones, the Endless, decided to return and send before them, the Nine Prophecies*.

Today was the day... I was born.

Fear me

and for those of you that dont wish me.... REEEEEALLY FEAR ME.

~The Om3n (the Final Prophecy)

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Sunday, April 10, 2005

All Hail the Pope

The pope has died.

It doesnt matter.

Theres a vigil going on nearby... the Amerikan flag is at half mast. i have no idea why. Amerika has nothing to do with the pope. Bush thinks the paintings on the roof of the Sistine chapel is graffiti. He also doesnt know the difference between Italy and Indonesia.

A woman from a local church gave one of my friends a pamphlet to try and convert him and "help/save him". The pamphlet was carefully examined and the expected result was found. The nun was then lectured at length about not using recycled paper and thus not taking care of the "gardens". Yes. They NEVER use recycled paper for their propaganda.

"Propaganda. The right to choose... not"

The inner workings and history of the Vatican are secret by default. Their archives, by their spy agencies (which they admit to having) have collected data on minute details of peoples' lives. it has all been recorded and stored in a library in a completely disorganised, haphazard manner. Nobody has been able to infiltrate this classically impossible defence.

On examining the Pope himself, I found him to be a clever, shrewd man who enjoyed the "public icon" life and had squirmed and manipulated his way to the top of his decadent organisation. Detailed photoshoots, the finest robes, the most spectacular of displays put this man far beyond the reach of the comparitively humble adjective, "hypocritical". Where the man dressed in golden robes, with a golden cross heavy enough to kill a man with, and a 'crown' so extravagant that one could decorate an entire mall with it's beautifully intricate patterns.... this man is the one who leads a religion preaching "sacrifice" and "repentance" and "to pay for your sins".

Sins. This is the man who causes hundereds of little boys to be neutered in churches worldwide so as to "preserve their angelic voices" for the choir. The leader of a cult that lays claim onto everything they have no right to control.

This is the irony of our world. This is something that should not exist.. a grain of sand in the eye of humanity... except that instead of a grain of sand, its a parasitic worm. And its eating into our brains.

"Let all that is precious, Burn...
and you will be left with only Ashes to worship.
and those that follow will say 'it is a miracle'.
But all You will have, is those worthless Ashes in your hand
~teachings of the Hellspawn

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

heres the original... enjoy


Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Golden Age of Ignorance

The black raindrops fell outside the classroom window while the oh-so-diligent pupils waited like bloodthirsty lambs with the bright gleam of violent impatience in their eyes, seething to breach the confining thresholds of the instructor's flimsy grip on this moment of their existence.
Learn? Why would i want to do that? We're here because our parents wont let us sit at home and this guy wont let us leave! Didnt the wise men say 'ignorance is bliss'? see? i proved my point.

The lone pen that daintily scrawls over the pad while making a scraping sound of blazing electricity draws in the silenced mute wrath of every other face in the room like water being shot out from silenced Colt .45 calibers and drawn into a drain.

The sullen silence breaks like a cracked dam with the shrieking ring of the bell. The instructor sits in the ensuing emptiness, with palms over eyes, runs his fingers through his ageing hair... hair which has seen the sun and the rain many a tiring day for many a tiring year. He gets up wearily, staggers home on worn shoe-soles and aching knees. Home is just a word to him. It means nothing when all that is there is an eternal continuation of the emptiness that embraces his life so lovingly and completely, from classroom to home and back, through every meal and every smile. He will return to teach tomorrow again, returning to those averted eyes, those supressed curses, to those dull listless beings that flock in and out of his room. Were they humans? He cant remember.

He only comes to teach the boy with the strong eyes - he doesnt remember his name - but the feeling of duty, duty to teach and nurture the last glimmer of hope in the fading universe, a universe as dull as the eyes of those other creatures, that duty needs no name to be attached to it.

The competence behind those eyebrows, the determination behind the strong nose and thin lips, the defiant ferocity in those eyes... yes... that is enough to make him live another day in a life almost without value.

(Those Who Teach Me Have My Everlasting Respect - Arabic Proverb)

"I herald the Age of Competence. It will come no matter what the cost."
~ prophecies of the Hellspawn

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Kunst und Stahl

Du sah mich,
in der hellen Schwärzung.
Das kalte Licht
war eine Warnung.

Du bist zu mir gekommen,
Deine Augen waren wie Stahl.
Du wisst, was wir wollen...
.............nächstes mal.

Es gab einen Vollmond.
Es war eine schöne Nacht.
und diese alte Wunde
heilt durch Mitternacht.

Du hatte nicht meinen Namen,
überhaupt gekannt.
aber Ihre heftigen Augen
hatte liebte meine kunst.

Du hatte liebte..... mich.

~Gedichte des das Hellspawn

English: (a pretty literal translation of what i wrote... it doesnt rhyme in english or sound good either. =\ but it sounds pretty damn nice auf deutsch.)

Art and Steel

You saw me
In the bright darkness
The cold light
Was like a warning.

You came to me
Your eyes were like steel
You know what we want...
..........Next time.

There is a full moon,
It’s a beautiful night,
And these old wounds
Will heal by midnight.

My name, you have
never known.
But your violent eyes
Loved my art.

You loved..... me......

~poems of the Hellspawn

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Tenchuu: The Lesson

Roll out the Tanks, Fill in the Ranks, Toss out the Bombs, Draw out the Guns, Aim your Weapons, Bring on the War, Maim us some More,

but When you are Done... Then OUR time will Come.

We will Return, Mankind will Learn, New kinds of Fear, When we are Here, Bringing the Pain, Madness will Reign, Terror and Pain, Ringing the Knell, You feel the Hell, Flames Will Consume, All of your Tombs, Wont let you Die, Keep you Alive, Bring back the Dead, Visions are Shed, Lessons are Learned, Mankind is Burned, Nothing was Lost, Pain was the Cost, We will Depart, Peace reigns at Last, Never will You, Blunder Anew.

(Rise from the ashes)

~ verses of the Hellspawn

*Tenchuu: A Japanese word meaning 'Divine Retribution'

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

"The Original Sin" - First Scripture of Evil

And God commanded that Adam and Eve could indulge in any fruit of the Garden of Eden... Any other than the fruit from the 'Tree of Knowledge'. Said he "...for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." (Genesis 2:16-17 KJV). But the Snake overheard and he coaxed Adam and Eve into eating the fruit. He told Eve that if she ate the fruit, she would be like God, having knowledge of all things good and evil. (Genesis 3:5). When God discovered them, they were cast out of the garden and cursed.

THIS was the Original Sin. The fact that we wanted to learn... to be able to differentiate between good and evil ourselves.... this is what every church teaches Little Tommy, Harry and Jane. This is the noose that has been held in front of our faces for millenia. That we are guilty for wanting to survive, to gain knowledge, to judge. Why? Because judgement is evil... you should never jugde... when you are standing in the middle of a road, DONT JUDGE!!... all these sinners nowdays... when they drive a car on a normal highway, they make an average of 200 judgements every minute! Blasphemous! Without Knowledge, your churches would fall on your heads, your seats would be stones and your wafers would be nonexistent. Wine would be replaced by muddy water. DRINK UP! REVEL in your lack of Knowledge! The one without any Knowledge is respected...
"Ah, i am the fool from the gutter down yonder dirt track... bow in awe!!"
.... those who are capable and productive face divine retribution... at the hands of your average everyday paedophilic preist.

*GASP* "He dareth question, WHY??? That Blacksmith! What knows he of HIS great plans? What means he when he says "God doesnt make your spoons and your swords so why should i worship him?" ???? STONE HIM UNTIL HE REPENT FOR HIS SINS!!!"

Then the Blacksmith is told to produce more spoons and swords than before to make up for his misdeeds. The fun begins when the Blacksmith runs away and the village of Popeshire is left without anyone to make or mend their metalwares. Then they see the next productive person on the food chain and force him not only to work his mills but do his DUTY and work as a Blacksmith too!
Why? BECAUSE OF THE ORIGINAL SIN! We all hold GUILT for Adam's SIN!! So we must Sacrifice! What if i dont know the B of Blacksmith? LEARN IT! IT IS YOUR DUTY IN GUILT! But.. But I didnt do anything wrong!
...... so a few badly-made spoons later, the mills and smith furnaces are equally empty and the food chain moves a bit up again. Why cant a religion be based on the word EARN instead of SACRIFICE?

The Original Sin... A sin without volition bestowed upon all of us... the ultimate monstrous contradiction... that which is outside the possibility of Choice is outside the realm of Morality. If we are 'evil' or 'sinners' by birth, then we have no will... no power to change it. No will.. because we played no part in the descicion to be born evil or good. No power to change it... because the guilt is forced upon everyone around us and our children... and the only way it can be changed is by bearing the supposed 'guilt'... and who can measure guilt?
If we have no WILL, then we can be neither good nor evil... a rock is neither good nor evil... even if it is used to kill someone... neither is a robot... it is simply amoral.
To hold man guilty of a fact not open to his choice is to defile Morality. To hold a man's nature as his sin is to mock Nature. To punish him for a crime committed before his birth is a defacement of Justice. To hold him guilty in a situation where no innocence is possible is to burn Reason.
To simultaneously be able to destroy Morality, Nature, Justice and Reason with one single concept is a Feat of Evil hardly to be matched! And THIS is what we live by?!
Apparently, after eating from the Tree of Knowledge, we humans experienced 'sinful' feelings of greed, lust, anger, hate, vengeance and experienced for the first time.... death.
Why is all of this evil? Is it really? Why did this result from our gaining knowledge? Is ignorance bliss?
I'll explore those questions on another date.

"You are not born for a divine purpose... you are born to choose one for yourself, with your own mind..... you live to shape that purpose with your own hands.... to leave your mark on this world.... to write your own epitaph." ~ sayings of the Hellspawn

Sunday, December 19, 2004


Staring out at the shadows in the dark night
Watching for the breath of life in the moonlight
Looking at the cold glass pane of pain
Seeing my breath fog the window like death

None shall escape thy clutches,
None shall walk without crutches,
What is it that you wish from me?
I have for long awaited thee.

Death, be not proud
For some have called thee mighty and dreadful,
You’re nothing but a shroud
A simple curtain so lightly restful

Your scythe has no edge,
None that can break my pledge
May your blade chip and shatter
Against a will like mine.. Nothing will matter

The mist swirls outside, warning
No heed, I shall keep respawning
Reckless? Fear is death
Take risks with every breath.

You ask, what of Pain?
I answer, what is pain?
It never matters till the end
You choose when you bend.

Fight with your soul,
Fight for your goal
Revenge isn’t in the picture
I write my own scripture.

Look it’s the crack of light in the sky
O Death, where do you fly?
To amuse yourself with a weaker soul?
You’ll only win when I lay down my sword

When I reach my goal.

~the Hellspawn

- Arise, Awaken, Annhilate, Achieve

[Now Playing: "The Black Goddess Rises II " -
Cradle of Filth]

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

NEWS... this has ben removed from many papers in the US... but is still verifiable

for once i shall not post an opinion-based discussion.... this is actual news..

well election day is 20 days past....

has everyone heard about the CIA purges?

well... in case you havent... bush had told the CIA to remove everyone who wasnt 'loyal' to him from their ranks.

heres an article:
""WASHINGTON -- The White House has ordered the new CIA director, Porter Goss, to purge the agency of officers believed to have been disloyal to President George W. Bush or of leaking damaging information to the media about the conduct of the Iraq war and the hunt for Osama bin Laden, according to knowledgeable sources. "The agency is being purged on instructions from the White House," said a former senior CIA official who maintains close ties to both the agency and to the White House. "Goss was given instructions ... to get rid of those soft leakers and liberal Democrats. The CIA is looked on by the White House as a hotbed of liberals and people who have been obstructing the president's agenda.""

basically... it means that they kick out anyone who dares to reveal bush's BS and fairytales to the world.... also.. now he has a bunch of bush fanatics supporting his every move and fabricating all the damned evidence that he wants....
some highly placed people in the cia have already "resigned" *HINT HINT*

unfortunatley this is something which may set off a trend and it is possible that liberals may find it hard to find jobs in ANY govenment firm... especially FINANCE related...
now the great american government is protected by constitution and fanatics... and it can cook up all sorts of figures and bandy accusations at every country until the world is a charred ball of dead people.

scared yet? you should be.

this is insanity on the verge of dictatorship.... and he has already admitted that he thinks dictatorship is a good way to run a country.... watch "farenheit 9/11" if you havent heard the ape say it from his own mouth.

i am... appalled.. simply appalled at the hypocrisy we see so blatantly.... that clown needs to be put in his place.... Saddam basically 'silenced' people who would have (Quote from the Washington article above) "leaked damaging information to the media about the conduct of the Iraq" military and armaments.... and people who werent "loyal" to him..... BUSH dethrones him and then does the SAME thing!!!!... except here.. instead of killing them he has so far just fired them.... but if he asks.. the cia CAN help him out with many "accidental deaths"....

Bush is a Saddam equivalent in america... and instead of a desert wasteland.. he controls a superpower...

i wouldnt sleep so easy if i were you. i have a feeling we are going to see many "resignations" and "accidental deaths" in the near future.

Dasvedanya Amerika.

[Now Playing: "Sleepless" - Cradle of Filth]

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Headlines: Air Raid on Heaven, Saddam & Bush Involved

Unto whom does thou turn when th'art threatened by life itself? (th'art=thou art)
our world grows increasingly unstable.. politikally, socially, economically and physically... thus it is in perfekt accordance with nature's laws.... the chaos theory... "all systems tend towards increased entropy"...."bad things come in threes"..... "all things go to hell together".... if you pull the right string.. the entire fabric can unravel... and any broken strings will unravel even if you dont try to pull them. with captain bush at the helm... our ship is sure to run aground and be spurned by the waves and the rocks in a combined effort to bring the nation down to its knees.. the time is not distant where due to poor economic policy... amerika will turn to the oh-so-abhorred socialism as the answer.... but they can ony pray because their god will save them after all.... and "jesus will save" and "jesus will heal" and everything will be ok for i have not sinned so god will make up for misery on earth by eternal paradise post-mortem....
"but you never said Forever... could ever hurt like this" - Marilyn Manson
and eternal paradise would be something i would rather not have and so why do we frown upon Temptation when the temptation of heaven is all too great anyway.... and only those who wish for hell should be granted access to heaven....hmm?
eternity is a long time and everyone knows what heaven is... dont they? it is a priestly garden without thorns and devoid of variety where flowers may not be plucked for that would be painful and so plants are all weak for they have no predators and nothing to fight against... the people in heaven wear white robes and nuns dresses and live platonic lives while sittin in the perfekt sun devoid of clouds and rain while a perfekt sprinkler system designed by Ace Hardware©™ works at fixed intervals of time... and there is always a miraculous rainbow without clouds and a pot of gold at either end and of course the people of heaven are not greedy so the pot of gold just lies there.. and there is no death in heaven and nothing unpleasant like worms and cowdung... so the gardens are obviously doomed by the lack of fertilizer.... unless Ace Hardware©™ finds more ways to transport fertilizer to heaven.... the grave of every Ace employee will be packed full of sprinklers and dung and sent off to heaven.... thats how they tend their beautiful golf courses.... but my 5 year old neighbour said that heaven has TV and Playstation... and his 15 year old brother told him that heaven is full of homies n bling-bling too... and Mrs Finch from down the street said in heaven you can get an autograph from Elvis himself! oh! and Mr. Billy said that they dont collect no taxes up in heaven..... hmmmm.... or maybe it doesnt exist and we are tryin to find things we like in this world and hoping we'll have more of them sooner or later....

ah.. thou hedonist.. thou pleasure seeker... temptation shalt bribe thou into being false unto thyself and thus unto everyone else... so pretend to be a good man until thine corrupt soul is allowed into heaven... yes you can enjoy yourself there with no one to stop you....

that is why Heaven does not exist anymore.... Osama's half brother pretended to be a good man all his life and on his deathbed.... he asked only that a lot of fertilizer be planted with him and a box of matches so that he could find his way through the dark tunnel till he reached heaven.... and once that was done... he infiltrated heaven.. planted handmade fertilizer bombs and set them off with his matches.. he burnt down all your trees too and plucked out all the flowers.... all this because he was a good man throughout his life.... and so there is no more heaven.
and as for the boiling cauldron that is hell.... well.. the number of people that jumped in it everyday was so high and kept rising exponentially... until the number grew so large that as they were dumped in by the truckload... they rocked the cauldron and spilt it all over making a mighty mess and now basically hell is a place where all the world's janitors are sent to clean up that massive mess.
so if you dont wana go to hell... dont be a janitor...

Living in a state of decadent nothingness for a day or two is called Relaxation.... living in that state for a year or two is called Hedonism, living in that state for eternity is called Boredom.... boredom to the brink of death..... stagnation is death.. and death is the unknown...
if you believe yourself to be the phoenix and that you will be reborn... then you will probably die a happy man... but if you believe that death is eternal... and eternal paradise at that... then imagine it this way... you are an immortal pig.... and you will remain a pig forever... and when i say "forever"... i mean that you will never die and that there will be no escape from your royal pigness... Ever.
what you do one day will be done the next and the next... in fact.. you may not even have the luxury of having "days" because the sun never sets in paradise.. does it?... so on the grassroot level.. heaven is a boring job which never ends... good luck.
Jesus Saves.
and he relishes in slow, eternal torture too apparently...

"Im not an optmist and that is why i believe that EVERY man reaches his destination, eventually...
'how is that possible' you ask?...
i havnt seen any immortal men yet" ~ riddles of the Hellspawn

[Now Playing: "A Gothic Romance" - Cradle of Filth]

Friday, November 05, 2004

Post-election day thoughts?

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Powerful Resources

Pres. G W Bush is a resourceful man.... i hate to admit it but its the only thing i appreciate about him.... he uses all the resources available to him.... force is countered with brute force... hate is met with burning hate... and stupidity is persuaded by blithering stupidity. As we could see in the vote.... 50% of Amerikans are still stupid... and therefore Dubbya had a field day showing his perfect monkey-grin and waving like a fly-swatter at the kamera... im surprised he dint use his... 'Im-gona-cross-my-eyes-and-smile-like-a-moron-when-the-cam-turns-to-me' tactic... to gain the ever growing support and loyalty of his fans.... they shout in the streets "Kerry doesnt have the GUTS to do a cross-eyed smile in front of the camera! WHO would want a pres like Kerry? BUSH CHENEY!!!!!!" ..... or maybe Kerry just has a wee bit more dignity than Dubbya... maybe he wasnt brought up on a farm and just maybe hes a teesny bit more educated than the great Ape.... after all... Dubbya's SAT score is still an unbeaten record of 1100 =P... well.. thats comforting to all the ppl who got low SAT scores anyway.. you can all dream of being president now.... oh.. but you WOULD have to be brought up in a pigsty or a barn or something.... apparently people havent moved on since Lincoln was born in the log cabin.... hmm... some expectations never change....

there was a pleasent incident yesterday... involving ketchup.... and the TV screen..... yes.. Dubya was somehow involved.... maybe hes gona call an airstrike against us now.... oooooooooh... im shivering.

there was another Very pleasant incident 2 days ago.... a few guys in the bus politely asked my neighbor if she was another one of those "misinformed and uneducated Kerry suporters".... well... it said so in BIG BOLD letters on her purse didnt it?... hmm... well.. i assume she was misinformed and uneducated... after all... ANYONE who cant read simple stickers is definitely smart and educated.... i mean.... when you hear that the great cool cowboy Dubbya has got the US into a 500 BILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT!!!! WHAT KIND OF FOOL WOULDNT VOTE FOR HIM????!!!!???!!!!! oh... a deficit is a good thing isnt it???? must be.. only good things happen when you win big wars and drop big bombs.... yeah.. im convinced about that.... i guess the SUV craze in Amerika is dying out.. now they dont mind paying $50 per barrel of oil anymore.... even when their Suburbans lurch out of their driveways and drink petrol like it was Coke.... bah

oh! oh! i saw this amazing Ad.... it said.. "Bo supports president Bush... you should too!"...... that was IT.... on a large glossy slip of colored paper.... MANY large glossy strips of paper.... those 7 words ONLY...... "Bo".... will SOMEONE...... PLEEEEEASE tell me WHO the HELL is this guy... Bo... BO.... WHAT??!!?? i mean... does BO decide for everyone else?.... that was the most rediculously successful Ad campaign if it ever worked..... IF.... i mean.... thin s exacly the kind of stupid crap you would expect Bush to pull out...


Shoot the Ape

"never underestimate the power of mass stupidity"~ sayings of the Hellspawn

[Now Playing: "Long Hard Road out of Hell" - Marilyn Manson]

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Gods Almighty

here is a long simulated conversation i found on the net.... it was interesting... but i made my own ... ahem... contribution to it... and yes.. the last whole part was written by none other than.... Yours Truly..

An atheist professor of philosophy speaks to his class on the problem science has with God, The Almighty. He asks one of his new Christian students to stand and.....

Professor: You are a Christian, aren't you, son?
Student : Yes, sir.
Prof: So you believe in God?
Student : Absolutely, sir.
Prof: Is God good?
Student : Sure.
Prof: Is God all-powerful?
Student : Yes.
Prof: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to God to heal him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But God didn't. How is this God good then? Hmm?
(Student is silent.)
Prof: You can't answer, can you? Let's start again, young fella. Is God good?
Student :Yes.
Prof: Is Satan good?
Student : No.
Prof: Where does Satan come from?
Student : From... God...
Prof: That's right. Tell me son, is there evil in this world?
Student : Yes.
Prof: Evil is everywhere, isn't it? And God did make everything. Correct?
Student : Yes.
Prof: So who created evil?
(Student does not answer.)
Prof: Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness?
All these terrible things exist in the world, don't they?
Student :Yes, sir.
Prof: So, who created them?
(Student has no answer.)
Prof: Science says you have 5 senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Tell me, son...Have you ever seen God?
Student: No, sir.
Prof: Tell us if you have ever heard your God?
Student : No , sir.
Prof: Have you ever felt your God, tasted your God, smelt your God? Have you ever had any sensory perception of God for that matter?
Student : No, sir. I'm afraid I haven't.
Prof: Yet you still believe in Him?
Student : Yes.
Prof: According to empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, science says your GOD doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?
Student : Nothing. I only have my faith.
Prof: Yes. Faith. And that is the problem science has.

Student : Professor, is there such a thing as heat?
Prof: Yes.
Student : And is there such a thing as cold?
Prof: Yes.
Student : No sir. There isn't.
(The lecture theatre becomes very quiet with this turn of events.)
Student : Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, superheat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat. But we don't have anything called cold. We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat, but we can't go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold. Cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it.
(There is pin-drop silence in the lecture theatre.)
Student : What about darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as darkness?
Prof: Yes. What is night if there isn't darkness?
Student : You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of something. You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light. But if you have no light constantly, you have nothing and it's called darkness, isn't it? In reality, darkness isn't. If it were you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn't you?
Prof: So what is the point you are making, young man?
Student : Sir, my point is your philosophical premise is flawed.
Prof: Flawed? Can you explain how?
Student : Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. You argue there is life and then there is death, a good God and a bad God. You are viewing the concept of God as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, science can't even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life: just the absence of it. Now tell me, Professor. Do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey?
Prof: If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, yes, of course, I do.
Student : Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?
(The Professor shakes his head with a smile, beginning to realize where the argument is going.)
Student : Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavour, are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher?
(The class is in uproar.)
Student : Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the Professor's brain?
(The class breaks out into laughter.)
Student : Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor's brain, felt it, touched or smelt it? No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established rules of empirical, stable, demonstrable protocol, science says that you have no brain, sir. With all due respect, sir, how do we then trust your lectures, sir?
(The room is silent. The professor stares at the student, his face unfathomable.)
Prof: I guess you'll have to take them on faith, son.
Student : That is it sir.. The link between man & god is FAITH. That is all that keeps things moving & alive.


The Omen stands up....
Omen : if i had hit you once when you came close to me, 2 years ago.... would you mind standing beside me?
Student : No.. it was long ago
Omen :if i hit you every time you come close to me and repeated this 40 times.... will you come close to me?
Student : No
Omen : Do you believe in evolution?
(Student looks uncomfortable)
Student : ....... No
Omen : then why does your behaviour evolve? why does it change with respect to the situation? is God guiding your behaviour or are my fists guiding it?
(Student is silent... the class is silent again)
Omen : Yes....i HAVE observed evolution with my own eyes... when a normal rat is put in pitch black darkness for 2 years and then taken out.. it is effectively blind... when a person eats antibiotics, many bacteria in his intestines die and he suffers from upset stomach... the body grew used to (evolved to) accomodate the bacteria and to use it... the same bacteria in another animal can make it ill.. or even kill it...
(Professor nods approvingly)
Omen : Does Darkness exist?.. hmm?
Student : No it does not.. i just proved that... it is the absence of light.
Omen : What is Vacuum?
Student : (falters) Nothingness.......
Omen : how about 'the absence of matter'?......would you mind if i exposed you to total Vacuum... since you obviously dont believe in things which dont exist?
(Student is silent... the class grins)
Omen : does the fact that vacuum is Nothing.... change the fact that it has intense physical properties?
Student : (quietly) No...
Omen : Does the fact that darkness 'not exist' (as you claim)... mean that it does not affect the eyesight of the rat?
Student : No.....
Omen : The Absence of something which DOES exist, lends to it a presence of its own... which means that it may not be anything tangible.. but if the 'presence' of the 'existing object' decreases or goes away.... it WILL be detected... YOU will be able to feel/hear/see/taste/smell this in SOME way or another... and can you feel something that doesnt exist?
Student : No......
Omen : ... which means that any absence of a body/property can be classified as something which can be detected and thus gives it the right to nomenclature... (i.e.- you can name such a state of absence)....such as your bold exclamations of super-heat, white-heat, low-heat........ and NO-heat.... The argument is limited by the language we speak in.... and English has just created a word for no-heat.... or low-heat... on a relative scale... just like the scale YOU used... degrees fahrenheit... is completely relative... cold could correspond to 30°F on your scale... colder could correspont to 0°F on your scale... so on.... do you have any argument against that??
(Student is silent... the class waits..)
Omen : But does your god have either presence OR absence??? Can you feel/hear/see/taste/smell when he turns away? when he decreases or goes away? or can you feel/../../../.. his presence in any tangble way that specifies that it is god that your sense organs percieve?
Student (boldly) : i can see God when i see spring... i smell him in the flowers... i hear him in the birds songs... i taste him in the fresh-water spring... i feel him when i touch the damp soil... and in the cold harsh winters... i can feel the absence of all those things... now tell me does God exist?
Omen (smiling simply) : Art thou a Pagan?
Student (aghast) : What!!? I am a Christian!!!
Omen (still smiling) : do you know that nature worship is a Pagan trait? an early form of the worship of Science in all its aspects... the chemicals that stimulate your sense organs of smell and taste... the subtle physics of waves - for sound and light... and the presence of Matter to touch.... it has nothing to do with Faith whatsoever... it is instead, the quest to reveal the workings of the most complex biomachineries that we can find... our own ecosystem... and our universe... not by pointing to beings that do not exist or have any effect whatsoever... but to physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology working together.
(the class breaks into applause)
Omen : God, my friend, is Your creation.... not the other way around.... you create him the way a lonely child makes up imaginary playmates.... and Your God is totally different from someone else's god... they are tailored to your own needs... and the reason God doesnt exist Even if EVERY man has Faith... is because your god can never be the same as someone else's god... and is true to you and you alone...
Professor : Faith is a matter of how seriously you take your 'imaginary friend'... when people start having visions of "god" talking to them in their dreams... i would say they are bordering schizophrenia where they cannot distingush the border between their 'imaginary' and 'real' worlds.
(Student walks out of class)
Professor : and so with Omen's help... we have established that Faith IS a problem for science.... as we could see from the young man there who doesnt really like the idea of worshipping nature and the physical world... but an imaginary "God" instead. Thank you my class... see you tomorrow at noon!

ah.. i should write literary flame-wars.... but then the church would burn all my books anyway....

"Religion is an archaic form of government and will always be a tool to control and govern....
and as in most governments... corruption is as common as bacteria.........
and it should be assumed as part of the deal" ~ discourses of the Hellspawn

Monday, October 25, 2004


This post was for the GYLC pack.... for people who dont now about Frapan... well.. at the GYLC.. the groups representing Japan (my group) and France were on the same bus for all 12 days... so we coined the collective group Frapan.. and we began to wreak political havoc across the globe constantly, quietly manipulating alliances, surreptitiously striking weak points with coordinated attacks..... and certain "well placed" contacts.
ok.. not really.... but it was neat anyway.... n we were like a big family
Peace 2 all ma Frapanese brothers n sisters.

~Hellspawn (aka GoD.. to all ma Frappuccinos)

Frapan Flag.....

All hail the great nation of Frapan!

Frapan Facts:

special dish.... "Crèpes de la Sushi"... ah mouth watering
special drink..... Frappuccinos.... now the world will be in our control..
the official language is... Frapanese... the script uses the latin alphabet.
"how are you?" translates to "Bèiyu güt?" and is written as shown here.
the traditional female dress is a conservative Kimono with a flare bottom and slits upto mid-thigh
the traditional male dress is a frill lace shirt with tights and a Katana and Wakizashi at the waist.
*illustration for dress will be provided at a later date
the national symbol: the tokyo tower...
the army is called the Frapench GIGN... expert swordsmen ninjas with masks
current population is 42 people... and not expected to grow for another 6-10 years until one of us has kiddies
Gained freedom on: 12th August, 2004..... it was declared a day of mourning
location: originally the United Movable State of Cornbread... internationally known as UMS Bus No. 7
presently located in small annexed regions spread across the globe... "MAY THE REIGN OF FRAPAN SPREAD FAR AND WIDE!"
National Animal: yet to be adopted.. but my sources indicate that 'the Jeremy' would be apropriate ;) (rock on Jeremy.. im jus playin)
National Transport: poodle-drawn tongas.... and dragon powered jets

the list is correct but not comprehensive... more facts will be added later.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

The Pen or the Sword?

Today..... we shall discuss an age old debate... the one between the pen and the sword..... the one where one man asks another.. "is it truly effective to sever your enemy's head with a single clean swipe of a vicious-looking Katana? isnt it better if you send him multiple copies of complicated lawsits until he drives himself mad... and then add to his misery by smiling at him through a soundproof double layered plexiglass window of a mental asylum and write pitying poetry and articles about him with the very same MontBlanc?"
the second man tells the first, "no, no... everything cannot be solved by torture... there should be no pain... torture is cruel.. do you have no feelings? no sympathy? i am a benevolent soul... i am kind and loving... the Katana will be my weapon of choice... see? i am considerate... and you? hah.... you must be possessed by the devil to speak of such things.... i believe in humane killing... our society is great... even mindless animals are killed with compassion... see.. we care about their feelings too... we kill them and eat them.. but we do it nicely.... tell me... how would you like it if your family was chomped up and eaten raw by dinosaurs.... wouldnt you prefer that they were properly killed and then cooked and eaten? i would!"

ah... its an enchanting topic.
i could listen to this particular discussion for hours... but such bickering is useless poilitiks.
i use both with equal fervour...
the Pen.... ah..beautiful black ink... smearing the pure paper with its grotesque beauty, soaking it in our thoughts as they are transmitted through the twisted hand and the sleek pen, down the knife blade of the nib slicing through the air slashing down, defacing the white sheet.... which is more beautiful?... the paper white or scarred?
i'v produced my own soaked rags of paper.... exquisite.... i think they are called.. "art"... but i never know if the people crowding around, talk of the paper, the pen, the hand, or the thought itself. maybe the ink has something to do with it.... i cannot fathom how.
and Swords.... the clean slice of a Japanese Katana, the hammer blow of a European Great-Sword, the vicious swipe of the Indian Talwar, the hurtling gashes of Gothic Axes, the terrible malice of a double edged German Landsknecht Flamberge...... and not to forget our pretty light saber wielded by the fearsome darth-dudes
For some strange reason.. still unknown to me... they supposedly depict violence... but all i can see is the immense beauty of smooth lines intersecting planes, perfect geometry and metallurgy combined.... the epitome of perfektion that can be reached with human hands. how sharp can you make it?

here are some of my stained sheets and swords wounds combined...

[Now playing: Personal Jesus - Marilyn Manson]
"The Conscription"- battle-ready 'army of the night'... androgynous (probably female) leader....
"The Angel with Scabbed Wings"- wings in the background... wind present... yin and yang... good and evil in balance...
"The Reincarnation: Rising from the Ashes"- rain, poor visibility, graveyard, wings in background... the sketch portrayed anger arising through the sorrow... will to live.
"The Reincarnation: Rising from the Ashes"- again... no flash... the wings can be seen better
"The Dragon"- experimenting with harsh lighting.. darkness around, cliff, dragon lit up by flames.... (doodles around it- ignore)
"The Death-Trap"- heavily tattooed man... two hydraulic walls of spikes (cant really see the hydraulics here)... defiant but trapped... the writing on top says why we mustn't give up.. courtesy- Dune.
"The Death-Trap"- computer edit.... lighting is vertical+front(of the man).... havnt finished editing walls and floor... maybe i should leave it like this

Monday, October 11, 2004

In the event that you have no idea what he just said

(Chances are you d0)

... it's his birthday.


It is, my readers, time to raise your hands, bow your heads, sink to you knees and PRAY.... for that is the easiest way for me to Kontrol you... ah.. it matters not what you Prey on, or Pray for... if you will, prey on the wish that i shall prey on someone other than you... the common multitude..... ah.. for thou who art the sheep art not the wolf.. for the wolf shalt use thee for his arts..... The wolf that was born on this day is me... and the sellebrations have begun... you have my permission to wish me...
the 11th of October arriveth.

good night

Friday, October 08, 2004


i had posted an interesting komment on poor Sam's blog.... yes.. i enjoy eating his webspace as much as i like eating his oreos... he had commited the folly of posting a complaint comparing two Java IDE thingys (god knows wht they are.. hopefully he will tell us in the komments section here) apparently made by different people... so i decided to dedicate today's rant to economics

here goes:

Hellspawn~ The Ωmen said...
Maybe in a Kommunist regime we would have only one java IDE .. which would be constantly improved upon... so we wouldnt have anything to rant agiainst.. but because of lack of economic incentive, the developments would be slow and efficiency would fall. thus the cost of produktion would rise until it reached a point where upon performing a CBA, people would find it more effective to stop production. there are long queues waitin for a copy of the product where most of the people dont know what they are queuing for...and the black market is more than happy to kontribute a helping hand to raise supply...but this would result in lost jobs, so the govt. will take out a five year plan and tell the producers to meet a quota "or else"......

but in Kapitalism, we shall have 30000000000 firms making the same thing and each putting a different scheme on what is basically the same product while they slowly release updates to korrupted versions and ah.. the beauty of inkompatibility makes a grand appearance here because your java applet doesnt like your radio system and so you have to get the "NEW AND IMPROVED" java IDE.. and did i say 'get'? oh pardon me! BUY the new java IDE. but then the next firm which produces baby diapers decides its time to merge with another firm and now your firm produces java IDEs which only work in baby diapers so your whole system is out of date and all this while the government mercilessly taxes you "or else"......


economics for dummies 101.

PS... 1) CBA = Cost Benefit Analysis
2) and i have NO idea what a Java IDE is =P...

but i like to try and apply my knowledge =D
hav fun w/ those java-thingys Sam!


i also realised that spelling 'queues' is one of the most captivatingly difficult things i have ever done! well... thats wat happens when you dont have to study English in university for too long =)

Wednesday, October 06, 2004


Ayn Rand rocks... she writes with the preciscion of a scorpion's sting.... and it hurts just as much.. How the purest form of honesty can make the most simple of men, innately frightening to society. If you HAVE read it and STILL persist in running around telling little chideren to be afraid of the 'atheist dogs who will eat them up' and shouting hysterical warnings about 'hell-flames' to those of us who find flames nothing more than a source of warmth (and sometimes a bit of pyro-amusement)... well... i say unto thee.. "be thou damned" if such a thing be possible....
but i'd prefer to first confine you in a pitch black cell forever, and then give you, YOUR supposed "water of eternal life"... that would be funny. =).... just a thought.
maybe in all those millenia you spend in your cell... you might spend the first twenty years cursing me... the next hundered praying.... and then (maybe after a millenium)..REASON might just erode the thick layer around your skull and Penetrate!!.... ah... there is no enlightenment better than a good line of logical, honest reasoning.
after all...
"Why do you rely on someone else's enlightenment... when you can get your own?" - arguments of the Hellspawn

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Starship Enterprise

"so the great starship enterprise launches into space into another mission to another world... the world of dreams"... and pigs with manners... cows with wings... good Amerikan presidents.. and happy poppy death metal with a hint of ganja for garnishing.... ah... exquisite... we are in utopia.. but only god kows who's utopia we are in. i might add.. that the significance of the fact that.. the word utopia comes from the derivative of "opiate" which leads to much mind-numbing ecstacy... ie: a purely idealistic state-of-mind(lessness) in which the bumbling idiot confesses that he is in perfect harmony with nature and its forces... in which case you shall henceforth realise that any such man who is thus happy with the state of affairs in an uber-messed-up world... is a total, all-out, hardcore, unsurpassable.... druggie.
Starship Enterprise represents our collective dream to proceed towards utopia and henceforth... to a world... where the spirit of the earth shall be "re-christened".. from Gaia... to Ganja... yes.. it will be the ultimate peace... literally.. the 'drug against war'.. so we aspire to this.. is it?
but fellow humans... we are after-all different from each other... or are you another idealist stoner who proclaims that all humans are equal? and that your judge in court is as equal to any other criminal and still holds the power to kill him if necessary... physically or spiritually...whatever. ah... we are each individual.. but most of you are in-DUH-viduals... for thou who preferrd to conform shalt be implicitly IDENTICAL to another.... for all that seperates both of you.. in the 'eyes' of a blind man, is your personality which here, seperates you not.
i shall ne'er be replicated in the entire course of history as it is written down from the past to the future... for i exist here in the present... and as i die... so does an irreplaceable cog in the world... for that little cog was unique....
"immortality through death can only be achieved.... if you cannot be replaced"- sayings of the Hellspawn

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